Friday, 14 December 2007
Building a better Dover

Saturday, 8 December 2007
Carols at the Dover Removal Centre

Some people think that border security is simply about chucking people out of the country. They say it doesn't happen often enough and the Government has been weak on the issue. Yes, Britain is pretty much full and yes the Government has made a real mess of things, allowing our borders to be highly porous and not getting a grip on bogus asylum seekers.
Yet that does not mean we should lack compassion. We should always be willing to hold out a hand to those in real need of asylum. And when we have allowed people to come to Britain, when they have put down roots and built a family, I cannot find it in my heart to say they should be thrown out and the family split up. So I have taken up cases such as these and done my best to help.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Labour have killed our Post Offices

I'd like to pay tribute to the many in the community who fought valiantly to put a stop to the closures. And to councillors of all parties who fought hard for the community.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Labour killing our Post Offices

This is the decision making of the madhouse. I've been getting up a petition to Parliament to try and get the Government to see sense. Considering how they have been making such a mess of everything they do lately, this does seem a bit unlikely. There's always hope . . .
Friday, 23 November 2007
Eastry coffee morning
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Paper boat race

Phil Reilly's leaving drinks

Vic ran as an independent candidate at the last general election - he's now joined the Conservative Party. Welcome abaord!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Community safety day and Pencester Park

Fun in Aylesham
Feted to have fun in Alkham
On patrol 2
Sgt Parkes is on the left. Gemma here was out on the town for the first time in a year having had her baby ten weeks before (congratulations!). She was understandably in a very good mood.
On patrol 1
We met swarms of bored young people in River. They told me they wanted more activities in Dover for younger people. The Council is working to get more for younger people to do.
Dover Labour Mayor joins Conservatives

Yes referendum!

Thursday, 15 November 2007
Remembrance Sunday

And we will never forget the destruction visited on Dover by shell fire from occupied France. We still live with the results. Dover should have been awarded the George Cross.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Port - bigger, independent but no privisation!
Photo: L to R: Bob Goldfield, CEO of Dover Harbour Board, Charlie Elphicke, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Dover & Deal and Julian Brazier MP, Conservative Shadow Shipping Minister.
Julian Brazier MP, Conservative Shadow Shipping Minister and I met with Dover Harbour Board Chief Executive Bob Goldfield to discuss the future of the Port of Dover. We are supporting Government Harbour Revision Order proposals which will aid the Western Docks expansion and give the Port more independence without the threat of privatisation. I want to see two directors on the Harbour Board jointly appointed by Kent County Council and Dover District Council to help strengthen the growing partnership between the Port and the community.
I was delighted that we won support for these important changes, which will hopefully quickly clear Parliament. I listened carefully to the community. People told me they want to see the job creating Port expansion happen quickly and more local accountability without privatisation. If our proposals are taken up in full, these community goals can be delivered.
The Port has increasingly been a positive partner in the Dover Renewal and it is essential that this should continue. Two community appointed directors on the Harbour Board can be a bridge to the betterment of Dover and the Port for the long term.

My family have lived in East Kent for many years and we live on the seafront in Deal. My wife Natalie and I have two children – Charlotte 7 and Thomas 9 months.
Natalie went to Clarendon House grammar in Ramsgate. My mother in law lived in Shepherdswell and taught at local primary schools. So I am passionately concerned about improving school and vocational education and realising our opportunities.
My father in law is a lorry driver. He used to work for Kent Salads. In my job, I specialise in inward investment and British job creation. Yet wages locally are £378 a week – below the Kent average, while unemployment is higher than the average. I want to see that change. I am excited about job opportunities from our dominant distribution position combined with our knowledge industries.
I believe we can achieve greater success across the board. The wealth gap is too high and I want to see this fall. We need a Britain we can all feel part of.
There is not enough respect for older people. My late father, an alzeimer's sufferer, lived in a home that closed down at Bossington near Aylesham. In the last ten years, pensions have seen tax raids. Low annuities are cut further by mean tested pension credit. That state pension is too low and should be higher. Older people should get more respect and have enough money to retire with dignity. The 17,000 pensioners who live locally deserve better than that.