Saturday, 1 November 2008

Coffee at Nigel's place

Cllr Nigel Collor kindly hosted a ward coffee morning, open for any resident of Dover's Castle Ward to drop in. It was great to meet people and have a chat over a cup of coffee. The excellent Doverforum reporters came an took the photo here and posted it on their website.

What issues came up? Residents in the Gateway Flats are concerned about the proposal for a cable car up to the Castle. They told me it would go right over the flats and would be very ugly - as well as a potential safety hazard. One gentleman was understandably worried about planning permission that had been granted for a house next door that would take away all his light.
On a lighter note, I was also asked why I don't wear a tie very often . . . at this point a picture of (a tieless!) David Cameron was waved disapprovingly in my direction. What can I say? I guess I'm just not a very buttoned up kind of guy!
Pictured: Cllr Roger Frayne, Cllr David Hannent, Thomas Mitchell, Cllr Roger Walkden, Barry Wadsworth-Smith of the Doverforum, Cllr Nigel Collor, and me . . . tieless!

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