I spent Christmas with my family. I decorated the tree with my daughter Charlotte. Little Thomas tried and help out, but as he’s only two, he could only do the lower branches! We were really lucky that my mother joined us . . . my wife Natalie and I got a chance to switch off and relax a bit.
We all know that this year is not going to be the greatest. Yet we know we’ll get through it and there will be a better tomorrow. We’ve been here before and we’ve lived to tell the tale. I am passionate about getting the best long term future for our community in Dover & Deal. Getting more high quality businesses to move to our area is really important for jobs and opportunity. Uniting Dover properly with the sea and sorting out the attractiveness of the town and sea front will make a serious difference. Taking the lorries out of Townwall Street will aid the effective regeneration of Dover. Upgrading the A2 and the delivery of a proper hospital are things we’d all dearly love to see. Realising this better future for us all is my greatest ambition.
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