Friday 12 December 2008

Dover Mayor's Annual Ball

A highlight of Dover's social calender is the Dover Annual Ball. This year it was just excellent and everyone had great fun. I even tried waltzing . . . and I admit with mixed results. Memo to self: spend more time watching Strictly!

Now, I know we're all meant to throw rocks at each other and that Dover Town Council is under Labour control and all that - but I have to say Diane Smallwood is a great mayor and wonderful fun! I'm pictured with Buckland Labour councillors Jan Tranter and Mike Smith. Mike and his charming wife Anne (also a Buckland councillor) were super company on our table and we had . . . well . . . a ball.

Very many thanks to the fantastic Doverforum team who have allowed me to use this photo. Their report of the event is much better than mine and worth a read.

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