It was a great chance to show off the incredible job Kent County Council and our schools have done in forging such a strong partnership. We saw what a success the Astor Federation is and what a amazing job it does in equipping Dover's children for the future. Michael and I are pictured with above with pupils from Astor - the Federation head Chris Russell is on the right.
We also met Sue Knight Fotheringham, head of White Cliffs Primary. Sue has turned White Cliffs from the worst performing primary school in the country to an OFSTED outstanding rated school. Hats off folks! Just think of the different lives the kids attending White Cliffs will be able to lead with such a culture of success in their school. It's such a fine thing to see and makes us all so proud.
We then went on to Walmer Science College and heard about their plans for the future. Like Astor, they are taking a deep interest in vocational and skills based education. Michael and I are pictured with a group of teachers we saw who were meeting to talk through a skills based teaching programme. We were really impressed.
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